Workaround for sendtorepl and ghci

Judah, the author of haskeline, says:
"This was probably caused by a bug which has been fixed in the latest
release of Haskeline (

That fix should ship with ghc-6.10.4"
In the meantime, he gave me this solution, which works here:
cabal update && cabal install ghci-haskeline
Then, you should not interact with your 6.10.3 ghci; rather, you should interact with the executable ghci-haskeline, which is probably here:
So now, when I start my screen session that I plan to interact with, I use this line:
screen -S haskellSession -t haskellSession ~/.cabal/bin/ghci-haskeline
Ghc-6.10.4 should not require this simple workaround.

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